ADHD Assessment Report
For Children
Online Personalised
ADHD Assessment

We specialise in providing quick ADHD assessment reports for both adults and children. We provide an assessment service for children and young people who are struggling with the symptoms of ADHD.
Speak to our team who are experienced in assessing and diagnosing ADHD in children. Get the detailed report that outlines the diagnosis and offers helpful recommendations tailored to your child’s specific needs.
We offer evening and weekend sessions, so you can pick a time and date that suits you and your child’s schedule. You can save time and book online without a long waiting list.
How it works
- Purchase a Mynurva ADHD assessment and gain access to Mynurva's online platform.
- Book an appointment and choose a date and time for the assessment.
- Prior to the appointment date, we will send you some questionnaires to fill in.
- Appointments will take 60-90 mins with a Clinical Psychologist.
- Receive an ADHD complete report – extra support sessions can be provided.

Please select how many appointments you would like to purchase:
Why Choose Mynurva
Our clinicians are all registered members of the governing bodies that uphold high ethical standards. We follow the internal clinical standards.
Mynurva adheres to the recommended NICE guidelines for the assessment procedure. Our team of clinicians has many years of experience working with children and young people within the healthcare sector. We provide a professional and safe mental healthcare service for children with ADHD in the UK.